Turns out we didn't learn that much new information from the press conference. The name, colors and crest are yet to be unveiled, although it's safe to say the colors will be some combination of blue and green. The one interesting new thing is that the USL Sounders will be back for the 2008 season, which is cool but also sort of weird. How many people will go to Sounders games knowing they only have to wait one year for a team in the big leagues?
We hope that multiple high-profile friendlies are lined up for next year to draw in the casual fan. Maybe a Korean team like the Suwon Bluewings or FC Seoul? A Mexican team like Cruz Azul or Toluca? Toronto FC, perhaps?
On another topic, we'll respond to Mr. Wiley's question of "...what season ticket prices should be?" In a perfect world we would like a pair for free, please. Since that won't happen, we'd say 13$-15$ per game for the cheap behind-goal seats, 20$ for the corners, and 30$-50$ for the nice seats (with the highest prices being the club seats right at midfield.) These are sort of low prices, but we'd really love to see a packed house every night.
We'd also be very much in favor of student discounts. This has nothing to do with the fact that we are in school.
"The MLS Competition Committee will allow us to protect some of the [Sounders'] players, which will help us to move to MLS with a few of those key players."
Well that's good to hear. Hopefully that'll help the team shorten the painful growing period most expansion teams have to deal with.
Lovely bblog you have here
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